Julia's Bookshelf

I am a reader. I love books. I want to share this love.

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, May 14, 2007

Reading and Relaxing, Relaxing and Reading

After an extremely busy two weeks of work on a special project, I am now on Maui, visiting my mom and stepdad for a small amount of R&R. I brought this book with me: As I mentioned, I haven't read a novel in ages and am already racing through it. Time is slow on Maui (a gooooooood thing) and I didn't bring my computer (blogging from mom's fab mac desktop) so reading is good. I forget how much fun it is to read when there is LITERALLY nothing to do. Well, we have to go to the post office later and then maybe to the grocery store. There is some tennis planned in the afternoon. Joy. Oh, and the book -- so much fun to read. Great detailed review, I know but for the moment, that is all that matters to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there--

I've tagged you for a meme, if you have time/inclination to do it. You can read about it here:


5/16/2007 03:33:00 PM  

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