Julia's Bookshelf

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Sunday, October 08, 2006


More travel might mean more travel books but it definitely doesn't mean more reading! When I'm working in a different place and living in a hotel, I find I watch more tv at night in the room. Not sure why. Maybe because it is a novelty to have a tv in the bedroom as we don't at home. It is also a novelty to watch British tv shows. I did finish The Whistling Season before I left and enjoyed that very much. Ivan Doig really creates a picture of that certain time and place in Montana, early 1900's. He did do one thing that slightly annoys me--he referred to characters in this book who show up in another book (English Creek, as it happens). I guess I don't like to be taken out of the book I'm reading with a wink to his other work. Nick Hornby did it in How to be Good, referred to a character in High Fidelity. But aside from that, I appreciate how Mr. Doig treats his characters with a lot of love and respect, even if they aren't of the best character. There is a gentleness that I like, even when the people in the stories aren't being treated too gently. I would recommend it and already sent to my brother in law, who introduced me to Ivan Doig in the first place. As for Nick Hornby, I like just about anything he writes as well. Back to London and back to work...


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