Julia's Bookshelf

I am a reader. I love books. I want to share this love.

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, July 02, 2007

Harry Potter Mania (Self Inflicted)

So here is the thing. I thought I wouldn't be that crazy excited about the arrival of The Deathly Hallows. Yes, I ordered it in February from Amazon, but with super saver shipping (=free and takes days longer). Then, after finishng book six and seeing more trailers for "Order of the Phoenix", I decided that I couldn't wait. I don't want to hear spoilers, I don't want to hear details. I want to read that book and enjoy its unfolding before anything gets out. (Any so-called spoilers out on the internet now I consider simply rumors and don't pay any attention to them.) So I went to Amazon this morning and changed my shipping so that I will receive the book on Saturday July 21. My husband and I have already discussed the media black out that will occur over the weekend of July 21/22. I hear you -- geez Julia, that's three weeks away! I know. But you must prepare for these things. If I don't answer email or phone calls that weekend, do not be surprised. CAN'T WAIT!!!!111!


Blogger Amey said...

I know the feeling... That weekend I am officially incommunicado ;)

7/04/2007 10:13:00 AM  
Blogger Poodlerat said...

I can't even wait that long. I'm sure I'll be at the bookstore when it goes on sale at midnight, and I'll read it straight through as soon as I get home, just like I did with the last two books.

7/11/2007 11:43:00 AM  
Blogger Julia said...

Poodlerat, I'm impressed. I'm still just "lazy" enough to not start reading until the book arrives at my door during the day on the 21st....

7/11/2007 11:54:00 AM  

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