Moving On From Harry (For Now)
I read the HP and now I'm resting before re-reading it. So in the mean time, I'm re-reading High Fidelity by Nick Hornby.
I was in a book club ten years ago and this was the second or third book we read. Niel suggested it and I really enjoyed it. I was not sure what the hell anyone was thinking making a movie with it all being in Chicago instead of London, but then, I saw the movie and was pleased. Jack Black such a great surprise. (I didn't really know who Tenacious D was at the time.) (Alert: music starts blasting when you click through to the site.) And John Cusack did the character justice. We own that DVD and watch it occasionally. Great soundtrack too, as you must imagine.
Oh that book club! I miss it. It was Debra, Niel, Sophia, Lawrence and me. Occasionally others would pop in and out, but that was our core group. I was in the middle of the hardest job of my life and while working six days a week and too many hours, needed something that had nothing to do with work at all. And so we made a book club--Thanks again Debra! Reading the books and going to our monthly meetings was like hiking up a hot dry trail and then reaching the cool blue pond fed by a small waterfall and diving in. Refreshing to my mind body and spirit! The group trailed off after a while and I didn't need it so much anymore, but wowee, I'm so glad I had it. That book club saved my soul.
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